The Crawford Boulder
15. V?! This Back scratcher
looks big with a bad fall.
16. *V1+ This face climb is
harder then it looks.
17. **VB Face and Crack,
great warm up
43. **V1 Fun face climb up
and right.
43. **V1 Fun line up and right face.
18. *V2 deep pocket to a mantle.
19. V7 Migg's Arete SDS take the
bulge 8' left of the tree.
20. ***!V2R Low start on the face to the
crack just left of the tree.
5. ****!V3 Fun high obvious line with a
fluttery top out. Great line.
6. V5? Dragon Claw Crimpy hard line
into the face.
6a. V9? Chasing the Dragon
Eliminate-Start on two nubs and make a
big move to crimps. The good holds out
right are off.
7. ***!V1 SDS on the left side of the
arete, then up the arete and left.
8. **V2 Right side up the arete then out
right onto the face.
9. ***V1 Fun slab, great warm up.
10. **V1 Another great slab with a
crimp start.
11. *V3 nubs to the slab
12. ***V4 Fun stand start that works
right into a slopey crack.
12a. **V5 Really crimpy SDS right of
#12 that works into #12.
13. V6? SDS on a seam to an edge then
out left
13a. *V3. Stand start Left hand jug and
a low right hand then up into the seam.
14. V4? Slam Dunk The SDS is a V8 on
a Right facing triangular edge then over
the bulge.