The Hen
44. **V2 Stand Start on a big rail near the smaller rock leaning against the Hen. With good rails for your feet, move up and left to a shallow rail then up good features in the notch worn in the rock.
28. V7?
The Rooster Height dependant traverse right
28a. V5? same start, but up the pockets
29. *** V4
Hen Peck I've never been noodling for catfish, but I imagine this is what its like. SDS on strange undercling/sidepull to a finger eating pocket and up. Since I sent this thing someone filed off the jagged little tooth in the pocket which made it a little less painful and harder. The beta used to be tape your finger I don't know what it is now.
30. ** V4 Here's another painful flurry of teeth. High start with jug foot to tiny sharp hold moving rightish and up.
31. **V1 Take the shallow crack up
32. ***V2 Edges to the roof and over.
33. ***V1 Through the roof to perfectly placed jugs

34. V0 SDS Crack to jugs
34a. **V1 Traverse the horizontal crack right then up.
34b. ***V4 This is a hard problem to send because by the time you've worked out the moves your tips are to trashed to do much about it. Traverse the crimps staying below the crack into number 31.
35. **
High on the Hen V1 Big moves on good edges with the tree at your back. No photo of this one. There's a tree in the way.
36. V7?
Fillet of Flesh "Sick sloper an razor crimp on prow to a mossy topout." so I hear. I've never figured much out and for as much traffic as this place sees I've never seen chalk above the start. No Photo.
37. V5?
Sticky Man SDS beats me see #36.