Rated X Boulder
1. *V0 Start on the gold patch and make
a few strong moves.
2. *V2 Face holds and the seam furthest
to left.
3. ***V6? I Read the Articles The
arete and the seam for your left hand.
4. ***V7? Girls on Film Start on the right
side of the arete on two crimps on the
arete and make a big move to a big
pocket then up.
4a. ***V10? Girls on Film Sit Sit start on
the middle of the face on opposing hold
then move left to the arete.
5. ***V4? Rated X Start on opposing
holds on the overhung arete and make
some cool moves up the arete.
6. **V5? Slippery Sloppy Slopey Sally
Start on the underclings and head up,
some right facing sidepulls or make a big
move to a sloper.