Trail Boulders
1. *V1 Low ball. Sit start on a good edge and move to a diagonal rail and up.
2. *VB The slopey left trending aretes
3. V1 SDS and climb the sharp holds on the slight arete.
4. *VB The crack on the slab.
5. **V2 Fun slab, start at the micros with feet in a depression and trend right on smaller stuff.
1. ***V3 From a right hand sidepull work up the slick rock to a slopey, technical top out.
2. *V0 Layback up the crack/fin.
3. *V0 Same start, but move right to a good crimp to a high top out.
4. *V0 The right arete on slopers and face holds.
Trail of Tears
1. VB A Crunchy easy featured
2. VB Take the around the slight
3. ***V4Trail of Tears Low
start on the diagonal rail, make a
big move left to a good left facing
side pull then up to a pair of
good slopers a move left to a
nice but hard to see crimp and
up to the top. If you don't use the
crimp its a V5.
3a. **V2 Start on to high sloper
and with good feet and small
hands work your way right then
3b. V? project From the low
start take the diagonal crack left.
4. VB The crack in the left facing
corner, a ladder with one move
at the top.
1. **V2 Trailbreaker Start with
your left hand in the intersection
of the cracks and head up the
crack and the rails to the right of
1a. *V2R Trail Mix Start at the
intersection of the cracks and
follow the horizontal crack left to
the arete and a dirty top out over
a rocky landing.
2. **?V0R A high right facing
corner with a crack in it and some
face holds out right.